If you’ve been suffering from plaque psoriasis for a while, you may be frustrated and eager for something that can help. Living with plaque psoriasis can be difficult, and you might not know where to turn or who can help. Fortunately, there are tips and treatment options available to you to help lessen your symptoms.

Symptoms of Plaque Psoriasis

Plaque psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that has raised red patches on the skin. It can be itchy and painful, but there are ways to mitigate its symptoms. Plaque psoriasis typically forms on the elbow, knees, legs, back, and scalp. 

Symptoms of plaque psoriasis include:

  • Red patches on the skin that are typically scaly and itchy
  • Patches of skin covered in silvery scales, which can appear white or gray
  • Dark patches called plaques
  • Pain and tenderness in joints
  • Inflamed tendons

What Causes Plaque Psoriasis?

Plaque psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that is characterized by the rapid production of skin cells. With plaque psoriasis, the skin cells grow and replace themselves in a matter of days instead of the usual weeks or months it takes for skin cells to grow. The increased turnover rate leaves too little time to properly slough off dead skin, causing it to accumulate on the surface, leading to plaque psoriasis. Psoriasis affects more than 7.5 million Americans and is often hereditary. About 1 out of 3 people with psoriasis reported having a relative that also has psoriasis.

Psoriasis tends to come in cycles and usually flares up for a few weeks or months before subsiding or going into remission. Plaque Psoriasis flares can be triggered by:

  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  • Cold and dry weather conditions
  • Skin injuries such as a cut, scrape, or sunburn
  • Infections like strep throat

If you are prone to psoriasis, it is best to avoid these triggers when possible.  

Plaque Psoriasis and Co-Occurring Disorders

Those living with psoriasis tend to have other inflammatory conditions like Crohn’s disease, diabetes, and obesity. Having plaque psoriasis also puts you at a higher risk for heart disease, depression, and uveitis. Kidney disease and psoriatic arthritis are more likely to develop with plaque psoriasis than other kinds of psoriasis.

Tips for Treating Plaque Psoriasis

Currently, there is no cure for psoriasis, but there are ways to manage the condition. The most common treatments include:

Topical Medication

Corticosteroids are most commonly prescribed to reduce inflammation and help the skin heal. In addition, medicated shampoos and lotions can also help reduce your psoriasis symptoms.

Light Therapy

Ultraviolet light therapy can help reduce your plaque psoriasis symptoms by slowing the production of skin cells and reducing inflammation.

Healthy Diet

Maintaining a healthy diet may also help stop inflammation. Try to avoid pro-inflammatory foods like red meat, dairy, gluten, and high-fat foods. Instead, try incorporating foods like fatty fish, nuts, and leafy greens, as these foods are high in omega-three fatty acids, which can help fight inflammation.

Do not scratch!

Scratching breaks down the skin barrier and can increase your risk for infection. The use of a humidifier can help moisturize the air to relieve some of your itchiness and keep your skin from drying out.

Contact Us

Olympian Clinical Research offers no-cost clinical studies to provide patients with the opportunity to receive treatments that are often unavailable outside of research. With over 12 years of experience, Olympian Clinical Research offers several FDA-sponsored clinical studies to help advance treatment in conditions such as plaque psoriasis.

Contact Olympian Clinical Research here to learn more about how clinical research can help treat your plaque psoriasis.